License Plate Recognition Set
Our company, which develops license plate recognition software, sells license plate recognition sets by offering different sets. Among these sets, you can choose the one that suits you. If you are undecided about your choice, you can contact us through our communication channels for professional support.

Eco License Plate Recognition Set
1 Piece 2.8-12mm 2 mp Ip Dahua Camera
1 Solution Pts Software License
Free Remote Installation
1 Year Free Remote Support

Pro License Plate Recognition Set
1 Tiandy 1.3 mp IP Box Camera
1 Piece 5-50 mm Tamron Lens
1 Piece of 9 LED Enclosure
Free Remote Installation and 1 Year Free Remote Support
Our License Plate Recognition System Sample Images
We serve all your license plate recognition system needs. Our company is the manufacturer and brand owner of Çözüm Arge License Plate Recognition System. Our organization is equipped to bring you these systems that can be used in different areas and to provide technical support on this subject.
Our company, which offers tailored solutions, offers the best service for different budgets with an economical and professional set. You can access different versions such as parking lot version, highway version, site version through our organization.
As Çözüm Arge Bilişim Hizmetleri, we are one of the local developers of license plate recognition system software in Turkey. Our completely domestic license plate recognition system software is developed by our own software team and supported entirely by us.
What is License Plate Recognition System?
The license plate recognition system is used in areas where vehicle entry and exit is controlled. Various scenarios are run by reading vehicle license plates. Hardware and software are diversified depending on the desired scenario. The systems, which can be used in many areas, stand out as being particularly fast and reliable. These systems provide many benefits to the areas where they are located.
Where Are License Plate Recognition Systems Used?
Areas of use are mainly residential complexes, paid parking lots and highways. In addition, it can be used in many areas such as universities, hospitals, public buildings, military zones, border and customs areas, vehicle inspection stations, vehicle scales. These systems can be used safely in many locations.
License Plate Recognition System Parking Pricing – Brand Model Promotion Video
How Does the License Plate Recognition System Work?
License plate recognition system is the process of processing image information coming from an image source through a license plate recognition software and parsing the license plate characters consisting of numbers and letters.
The hardware used as image sources are network-based cameras, which we call IP cameras. Its role in the scenario is to instantly transmit the 25Fps image (25 images per second) it receives every second to the software. The software is responsible for the image analysis here, that is, scanning the images it receives and extracting the license plate information from them.
Apart from these, various scenarios can be run after the license plate is read and converted into numerical data. For example, if the plate is registered, open the barrier or inform the relevant authority if a prohibited plate is detected.
In the video below, you can watch how the system reads the license plate.
Areas Where Systems Are Mainly Used

Highway License Plate Recognition Systems

License Plate Recognition Systems for Paid Parking Lots

License plate recognition system for sites
License Plate Recognition Systems for Sites
It is used to control sliding doors or parking barriers at the entrance and exit of areas such as public housing / housing estates. Residents of the site enter and exit automatically, without using any tags, barcodes or cards, by simply reading the vehicle’s license plate.
The license plate recognition system used in sites also serves as security equipment. The read license plates, along with their images, dates and locations, are stored as a data archive on the server installed for 10 years.
- Vehicle Limit Determination and Usage on Sites
Sites are settlements where people, small and large, live together. All sites have parking lots according to the number of vehicles determined during construction. In most developments, the number of parking spaces is less than or equal to the number of apartments. However, the number of vehicles of the residents of the site is almost more than one in most flats, in contrast to the number of parking lots.
In addition, there is a high probability that guests coming to the site’s residents will arrive by car. Site car parks are generally safer and more orderly than the parking lots in the streets between the neighborhoods or in front of detached buildings. The fact that the site car parks are safer and more organized causes the car owners in the surrounding area to want to park their vehicles inside the site.
The large number of vehicles of the residents of the site and the parking of vehicles inside the site from outside cause problems in the use of car parks in the sites. One of the problems of the new century is the problems experienced in parking vehicles.
Parking systems have been developed to overcome the parking problems we explained above. One of the parking systems is the license plate recognition system. Some improvements have been made in license plate recognition systems to prevent parking lots from using more vehicles than they have the right to use.
How to Determine Vehicle Limit?
So how do license plate recognition systems limit vehicles in parking lots? Solution R&D Let’s look at how plate recognition systems perform vehicle limitation operations.
First of all, the license plate recognition system must be installed correctly at all entrances and exits of the sites in order to limit vehicles in the sites. In addition, in order to limit vehicles, the license plates of the vehicles must be read 100% without any problems, or those who manage the system must manually intervene in case of incorrect readings and unread vehicles.
The reason for doing all this is that there must always be accurate data for vehicle limitation operations. Because in order to limit the vehicles, the vehicles parked in the parking lot and the vehicles outside must be known accurately.
How are site residents’ vehicle restrictions defined in the system? For vehicle identification, the site, block, floor, flat and the number of parking spaces that the flat can use must be entered. For example, the car parking limit for each apartment was determined as 1. However, if there are 3 vehicles in COZUM site, block a floor 5, flat no. 174, vehicles are registered in the system in block a floor 5, flat no. 174, with a vehicle limit of 1 for each.
How is Vehicle Classification Done?
So how do license plate recognition systems limit vehicles in parking lots? Solution R&D Let’s look at how plate recognition systems perform vehicle limitation operations.
First of all, the license plate recognition system must be installed correctly at all entrances and exits of the sites in order to limit vehicles in the sites. In addition, in order to limit vehicles, the license plates of the vehicles must be read 100% without any problems, or those who manage the system must manually intervene in case of incorrect readings and unread vehicles.
The reason for doing all this is that there must always be accurate data for vehicle limitation operations. Because in order to limit the vehicles, the vehicles parked in the parking lot and the vehicles outside must be known accurately.
How are site residents’ vehicle restrictions defined in the system? For vehicle identification, the site, block, floor, flat and the number of parking spaces that the flat can use must be entered. For example, the car parking limit for each apartment was determined as 1. However, if there are 3 vehicles in COZUM site, block a floor 5, flat no. 174, vehicles are registered in the system in block a floor 5, flat no. 174, with a vehicle limit of 1 for each.
Paid Parking Plate Recognition System
It is placed at the entrance and exit points of parking lots that operate with fee collection. It ensures that the parking fee is collected by calculating the fee schedule based on the time the vehicle remains in the parking lot.
It can perform all financial calculations and reporting of a paid car park with different fee and tariff features.
Working Principle of License Plate Recognition Systems in Paid Parking Lots
License Plate Recognition System to Work at Entry Points:
Camera and loop detector positioning ;
Loop detector location in Paid Parking License Plate Recognition System:
Loop detector is installed at the location where it is decided that the license plate reading process will be carried out exactly, taking into account the opening time and distance of the door to the vehicle approach point, parallel to the position of the electric passage gate (barrier, shutter, road blocker, mushroom barrier, etc.) at the entrance gate. For example, considering that the barrier with an opening time of 2.5 seconds has an area of 5 meters in the direction of the vehicle, a loop detector is installed 3 meters in the direction of the vehicle.
Loop Detector Solution Arge License Plate Recognition System Connection
After vehicle detection in loop detectors, the no and com terminals of the relay with dry contact output are used. An I/O card with Ethernet connection is used for loop detector connection. No and com outputs on the loop detector relay are connected to Button 1 and Gnd inputs on the I/O card. The values detected at the I/O card input are instantly transmitted to the license plate recognition system software.
Reading the license plate of vehicles detected with Loop Detector
The license plate recognition system software will display camera images in real time. A rectangular frame will be determined as the license plate detection and reading area in each license plate reading camera. This frame will focus on the vehicle’s license plate position at the time of loop detector detection. As soon as the vehicle is detected in the loop detector, the pts software will receive real-time information from the I/O card.
Relay 1 of the I/O card will be active for 2 seconds. At the moment of detection, it will take the image of that moment in the real-time camera image and start the license plate identification processes by processing the image in the reading area determined on the camera. When the process is completed, the system will automatically save the read plate in the database with the camera reading time. If the plate reading cannot be made in the analyzed image, the system can optionally perform 2 different operations.
It allows the operator to enter the license plate entry field in the form, which will open a form to display the image and processing time of which the system plate cannot be read. When the operator enters the license plate, the system records the license plate, camera and vehicle detection time in the database.
If the system cannot read the license plate, it saves the image, the processing time, the automatically generated 5-digit sequence number, the camera and the vehicle detection time in the database.
Collection System to Work at Standing Payment Points
Standing payment system was developed to collect the parking fee of the vehicle owner at a different point designated for parking. Standing payment system is also called central payment system. When vehicles enter the parking lot, their license plates and entry times are automatically recorded in the system. Arriving at the standing payment point, the vehicle owner tells the operator the license plate number. The operator enters this plate into the screen that opens by clicking on a keyboard shortcut or button specified in the system. The entry of the entered license plate in the database is automatically checked by the system.
Inability to Find the Entry Time of the Plate Entered in the System
In this case, the system offers 3 options.
Choice :
The list of vehicles inside is shown to the operator, and the license plates that are most similar to the entered license plate are automatically listed. The operator can detect and select the vehicle from this list.
Choice :
Images of vehicles detected at the entrance but whose license plate cannot be read and recorded in the system are opened as a list. In this list, the operator can find and select the vehicle with manual control.
Choice :
In this option, if the entry of the vehicle cannot be detected in any way, the entry time of the vehicle is entered according to the declaration of the vehicle owner and the system defines an automatic entry time for this vehicle.
The entrance to the vehicle is automatically found. Or, after it is selected manually, the system automatically calculates the vehicle’s parking usage time by calculating the difference between entry and exit times. And it opens the collection screen. The default tariff is selected from the tariffs defined in the system. And the fee determined in this tariff is calculated and shown to the operator as a parking fee.
At the same time, the LED sign connected to the system shows the vehicle’s license plate, the time it stayed in the parking lot and the parking fee. If necessary, the operator can apply different price tariffs depending on the vehicle type or customer type by choosing from other tariffs defined in the system. The new fees calculated from these newly selected tariffs are automatically reflected on the operator screen and LED sign.
At this stage, the operator selects the collection type according to the vehicle owner’s payment method and clicks the collect button. The system completes the registration process with the exit information and collection type and automatically sends the collection command to the cash register POS device. If the operator is collecting by credit card, he completes the transaction and delivers the slip + cash register receipt and the information receipt automatically printed from the system to the vehicle owner.
Posting Debt:
If the vehicle owner cannot or does not make the payment, the operator clicks the “Save as debt” button and the vehicle’s parking fee is recorded in the system as a debt on the license plate. The system automatically prints this vehicle information as an information slip.
Debt Collection:
If the vehicle owner wants to pay his past debts, he can collect the debt by clicking the collect debt button in the system. The system automatically prints this vehicle information as an information slip and cash register slip.
License Plate Recognition System to Work at Parking Lot Exit Points
If there is no collection point at the exit point and only an exit camera:
When the vehicle hovers over the loop detector, the system detects the vehicle and makes the reading automatically. The system checks the entry and exit records of the vehicle. If the vehicle owner has not paid, he does not open the exit door. It sends the information that the payment has not been made to the LED sign in the field of view of the vehicle for 30 seconds. If payment has been made, the system records the exit time and camera information. It automatically opens the exit door via the I/O card.
If there is a collection point at the exit point:
When the vehicle hovers over the loop detector, the system detects the vehicle and makes the reading automatically. The system checks the entry and exit records of the vehicle. If payment has been made, the system records the exit time and camera information. It automatically opens the exit door via the I/O card.
If the vehicle owner has not paid:
The system automatically calculates the difference between entry and exit times, calculates the vehicle’s parking usage time and opens the collection screen. The default tariff is selected from the tariffs defined in the system, and the fee determined in this tariff is calculated and shown to the operator as the parking fee.
At the same time, the LED sign connected to the system shows the vehicle’s license plate, the time it stayed in the parking lot and the parking fee. If necessary, the operator can apply different price tariffs depending on the vehicle type or customer type by choosing from other tariffs defined in the system.
The new fees calculated from these newly selected tariffs are automatically reflected on the operator screen and LED sign. At this stage, the operator selects the collection type according to the vehicle owner’s payment method and clicks the collect button. The system completes the registration process with the exit information and collection type and automatically sends the collection command to the cash register POS device.
If the operator is collecting by credit card, he completes the transaction and delivers the slip + cash register receipt and the information receipt automatically printed from the system to the vehicle owner. It automatically opens the exit door via the I/O card.
Paid Parking Plate Recognition System Technical Specification
- Automobile, Minibus, Bus etc. in the pricing module of the license plate recognition software. Different Price Tariffs must be definable.
- Different Prices Should Be Applicable to Different Dates or Different Days.
- There should be no restrictions on the time the vehicle stays inside. Fee should be calculated for vehicles that have been in the parking lot for 1 year.
- Free Tariffs must be defined and free passes must be presented in a separate report list.
- Subscription Transactions Must Be Applicable to Different Tariffs for Each Subscriber.
- Must be able to create reports based on operator, camera, vehicle type and tariff.
- License plate recognition software pricing module must support penalty tariffs.
- The pricing module of the license plate recognition software should enable debt tracking in illegal vehicles and should show the old illegal pass when the vehicle arrives again.
- The license plate recognition software pricing module must be able to print Information Receipt at Exit.
- The license plate recognition software pricing module must be available as Prepaid, Standing Payment.
- It must send information to the LED sign, reflect the resulting fee information on the LED sign, and communicate with the LED sign via TCP-IP or RS232.
- It should be possible to report separately who made how much revenue in which shift, and each operator should have a separate username and password.
- License plate recognition software should be able to report total revenue by day, month and year.
- The pricing system should be parametrically adjustable and with these adjustments, entries and exits should be charged hourly/day.
- In wage automation, after the wage payment is made, a voucher or receipt should be automatically issued from a receipt printer compatible with the wage program.
- There must be financial cash register integration, and it must be able to work integrated with the contracted Hugin brand financial cash registers.
- For vehicles without license plates or illegible license plates, there should be shortcut keys on the computer keyboard that the operator can use, and the manual license plate entry screen should be opened with keys such as f3, f4, f5, f6.
- In the paid parking version of the license plate recognition system, if the license plate of the vehicle is read incorrectly at the entrance and the license plate of this vehicle is read at the exit, it should present the operator with the right to choose by displaying the list of license plates closest to that license plate inside at that moment.
Highway License Plate Recognition Systems
This system, which is used on highways or main street-type roads, ensures that the license plates of all vehicles passing in that lane or lanes are read and recorded. The system can also be used for speed detection and criminal proceedings. The average speed is calculated according to the time/speed ratio of the plates read at points A and B. And penalties may be imposed for vehicles exceeding the limit.
License Plate Recognition System Technical Specification
Genel Özellikler;
1. Software must be able to run in server-client architecture and be supported on x64 and x86 operating systems.
2. When installing applications, they should be installed from a single setup file and there should be no need to install different setups.
3. The software database must be SQL Server, and it must be able to work with Oracle database.
4. License plate recognition software must be able to process 14 cameras on a single PC, and the software performance must be able to support this number of cameras.
5. The license plate reading software should transfer the last read to the area on the left, and the vehicles and their license plates with instant photos should be displayed in the bar on the left, along with their descriptions (date, time, location, name, etc.).
6. License plate recognition software must have the feature of exporting from Excel format for mass information entry and importing the export from Excel format (data import-export).
7. The software must be able to transfer information to Word, pdf, excel, txt, xml and html environments.
8. There must be unlimited tariff entry in the paid parking version.
9. The tariffs entered in the software should be able to be branched into various parameters such as day, hour, weekday, weekend, and the tariff should be entered in different ways in an unlimited structure.
10. If a license plate cannot be read or is read incorrectly while the vehicle is exiting, the list of the closest license plates inside at that moment should be opened in front of the operator and help the operator to choose the correct license plate.
11. The software should have a subscription feature, the vehicle should not be taken out when the subscription ends, it should give a warning that the subscription has expired on LED signs and show these warnings simultaneously.
12. The license plate recognition system software should be able to define unlimited subscribers, have a blacklist feature, and if the vehicle whose license plate is read is in the blacklist, it should instantly open a pop-up tab on the screen and give an audible warning in the form of an alarm.
Bullet License Plate Recognition Camera Features
- PTS Camera is Bullet Type and should be integrated on 4 night vision LEDs.
- The image sensor of the PTS Camera must be 2 Megapixel progressive CMoS with a size of 1/2.7”.
- Effective pixel of PTS Camera should be 1920(H) x 1080(V).
- PTS Camera RAM/RoM should have 256MB/16MB capacity.
- The automatic diagram shutter speed of the PTS Camera should be adjustable between 1/3(4)~1/100000sec.
- The PTS Camera must be capable of taking images at a minimum light value of 0.1 Lux / F1.4, 0 Lux F1.4 (IR on) in color mode.
- PTS Camera Signal / Noise (S/N) value must be more than 50 dB.
- PTS Camera must have 4 Smart R LED structure auto/manual and this Smart IR
- It should be able to take images up to 60 meters in pitch darkness with LEDs.
- The PTS Camera must have a focal length of 2.7~12 mm and a motorized lens with focus control.
- Viewing angle of PTS Camera: H: 99º~37º V: 52º~21º max. The aperture should be F1.4.
- The mounting type of the PTS Camera is board-in, the lens mount must be suitable for motorized lenses.
- The video compression format of the camera must be H.264+/ H.264.
- The camera must have dual video stream capability.
- Video resolution of the camera should be 1080P(1920×1080)/720P (1280×720)/D1(704×576/704×480)/CIF(352×288/352×240).
- Video frame rate of the camera should be 2M (1 ~ 25/30fps), D1/CIF(1 ~ 25/30fps).
- The camera must have Bit rate CBR/VBR control.
- Bit rate of the camera should be H264:24K ~ 8192Kbps
- The camera must have true Day/Night image ICR feature.
- The camera must have 3D DNR “Digital Noise Reduction”, 3D-DNR feature.
Diğer Plaka Tanıma Kamera Özellikleri
- Camera AGC “auto Gain Control”, AWB “auto White Balance”
- and BLC “Backlight compensation”, HLC and 120 dB WDR features.
- The camera must support 4 area Motion detection, Related area RoI, Smart IR, and Mirror (on/of) features.
- The camera must have a video 16x Digital zoom feature.
- The rotation option ratios of the camera image (Flip) should be 0°/90°/180°/270°.
- The camera must have a private area masking function that can be specified for up to 4 areas.
- The camera must have RJ-45(10/100Base-t) feature.
- Camera, HttP; HTTPs; tCP; HARP; RtSP; RtP; UDP, STMP; FTP; DHCP; DNS; DDNS; PPPoE; IPv4/v6; QoS; UPnP; NtP; Bonjour; 802.1x; Multicast; ICMP; IGMP; It must support network protocols.
- The camera must be capable of allowing up to a maximum of 20 users over the network.
- The camera must support oNVIF,PSIA,CGI profile.
- Camera IoS must support Android smart devices.
- The camera must have 1 SD Card slot that supports a maximum capacity of 128 GB.
- The camera must be powered by a DC 12 V PoE (802.3af) power supply.
- The camera should consume a maximum of 12.95 W power.
- The camera must be able to operate in environmental conditions of -30 °C ~ +60 °C, (-22° F ~ +140° F) ≤95% RH.
- The camera must be able to operate in storage conditions of -30 °C ~ +60 °C, (-22° F ~ +140° F) ≤95% RH.
- The dimensions of the camera should be 72mm×80mmx212.8mm.
- The weight of the camera must be no more than 0.685 kg.
- The camera must have a warranty of at least 2 years.
- The camera must have an IP67 protection certificate.
License Plate Recognition System Software Interface Pictures